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Choirs & Catholic Schools Music Festival

Choirs & Catholic Schools Music Festival

Students from Year 5 and 6 have the opportunity to take part in our St Thomas School  Festival Choir. The choir rehearses once per week for 30 minutes with a Choir Director.

The major performance for this is the Catholic Schools Music Festival which is held in the third term at the Festival Theatre.
It is a great opportunity for our school to be represented in a combined choir of in excess of 1800 other students from across the state.

Visit the Catholic Schools Music Festival website

The annual Catholic Schools Music Festival is the premier Arts Event for Catholic Education in South Australia.

The festival showcases the talents of around 2000 upper primary and secondary students from 80 Catholic schools and Colleges who spend 8 months preparing for their moment on stage. Performances are held each September, with each evening featuring a massed choir, instrumental ensembles, vocal groups and solo artists.

Each performance consists of a 370-voice Combined Schools Upper Primary Massed Choir formed by different schools each evening including representation from our regional communities in Clare, Yorketown, Whyalla, Wallaroo & Murray Bridge. All choirs rehearse weekly with their school's Choir Trainer, and then come together for their combined massed rehearsal one month prior to the event.

The Festival is more than just a week of performances. It is a year of education. Students from differing backgrounds come together and share social and emotional interaction in a positive learning environment. To be able to experience the journey involving a large-scale professional performance in one of Adelaide’s most prestigious venues is very significant and beneficial to our young people on so many levels.