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Parent Engagement


Mission & Values

Here at St Thomas our school community is deeply rooted in the teachings and values of the Catholic faith.

Our mission is to provide a holistic education that nurtures students academically, spiritually, emotionally and socially.

Central to our ethos are also our Mercy Values of compassion, respect, integrity, challenge and justice in all things. 


Family Relationships

At St Thomas we embrace our families and value the importance of community in many ways daily. We work in relationship with our families to ensure we are meeting the academic, social and developmental needs of our children. We believe family engagement fosters a sense of partnership between home and school, enriching the educational experience of the students.


Communication & Belonging

Our communication is open between families and staff and many opportunities are provided for families to connect with the school and each other. At St Thomas our community fosters a strong sense of belonging among its staff, students and wider community. Students, teachers, parents, and staff form close-knit relationships built on mutual respect and support. Our school environment is nurturing and inclusive, providing a safe space where students can grow academically, spiritually, and personally. 



For parents we are fortunate enough to have a café on site which is a dedicated space for our families to connect on Friday mornings before assemblies and other celebrations during the year. We believe it is our community which makes our school great and pride ourselves on the friendships developed during those primary years where children and families have the opportunity to form meaningful, supportive and lasting friendships.


Parents & Friends

We have a dedicated Parent and Friends team who welcome new families and provide opportunities for families to connect such as Nourish and Flourish Day and quiz nights, school discos and facilitate various stalls during the year for our children. 


Community Events

Our school encourages families to participate in not only their childrens' learning but their whole school experience with many events during the year such as our Christmas Concert, music performances, Mother’s Day and Graduation Breakfast, Nourish and Flourish day, Grandparent’s Day and Sports Day. More regularly, parents are invited to fortnightly assemblies, class masses, community prayer and assisting in learning at a classroom level and on excursions.


Catholic School Parents SA

As parents, we are the primary and continuing educators of children. It is recognised that there is a shared responsibility between parents and schools for the spiritual and social development of all students in our Catholic education system.

The objective for the newly formed CSPSA is to be an advocate for the families, parents and carers of children in Catholic schools, Catholic early learning centres and pre-schools.

We believe that school and family collaboration is essential to successful spiritual, academic and developmental growth. Our objective is for all children to have the opportunity to access a quality education that allows each child to reach his or her potential. CSPSA aims to build an environment where parents can be empowered to take an active role as the primary educators of their children. The organisation will support this empowerment by providing resources, education and support to assist all families and parents in this role.

For more information, visit the Catholic School Parents SA website.