As we approach the midpoint of our first term, it is hard to believe that Summer is coming to a close and Shrove Tuesday is just around the corner. We have enjoyed some wonderful moments with students in these last few weeks, with highlights including the Seniors leading our Assembly last week, and a very fun visit to our Preschool to Year 2 classes by Fringe performer and magician, Josh Staley. Our Goody Two Shoes Café has been so popular on Wednesday afternoons for Gelato and Friday mornings with coffee, biscuits, toasties and uniform sales. The buzz of community in this space is delightful so if you have not yet made a visit, please try to get there and enjoy!
Next week, we begin the sacred season of Lent, a period of reflection and observance in the Church leading up to Easter. This time is marked by key events in the liturgical calendar, including Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday. Our school will acknowledge these occasions, helping our students reflect on the significance of this season in our Catholic faith. Please join us for Ash Wednesday in the church if you are available.
We are also busy preparing for our much-anticipated Gala! This special event brings our school community together and always promises to be a great day. Thanks to the generous efforts of our parent volunteers, led by wonderful Trish Jarvis, preparations are already well underway. I want to extend my gratitude to them for their hard work so far, as well as all the Stallholders who have offered to coordinate a stall. We are also asking for parents to add their names to shifts on each stall, so please try to contribute if you can. Be sure to mark March 22nd on your calendars and we look forward to celebrating with you, your families, and friends.
As we also look ahead to Harmony Day towards the end of term, we want to take the time to focus on the diverse cultures that make up our school community. This is an opportunity for us to learn from one another, celebrate our diversity, and grow in our understanding and awareness. If you have time, inspiration, or cultural expertise to share, we encourage you to contribute in any way you can. Whether it’s sharing a story, a tradition, or an experience, your involvement will help enrich our school’s appreciation for cultural diversity. Please reach out to your child’s class teacher if you would like to be involved either on Harmony Day or in the lead up.
I want to also inform families that our Physical Education teacher, Mr Toby Priest, will be taking some extended Leave from Term Three, returning in Term Two next year. During this time, Mr Sebestyen Maglai will be taking PE classes, coordinating SACPSSA Carnivals and Sports Day. We wish Mr Priest all the best during his Leave and extend our gratitude to Mr Maglai as he dons his sneakers for PE lessons.
Thank you all for your continued support, and best wishes for the remainder of term, with another newsletter coming out in our final week, before holidays.
Belinda Burford